News & comments classified under “MachVis”
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MachVis 5.3 Upcoming! August 06, 2021
[Early October 2021] MachVis 5.3 will be launched in the immediate future.
MachVis 5.0 launched October 27, 2016
MachVis 5.0 will be displayed at Vision 2016 in Stuttgart having been launched a week or so previously. This acclaimed free software enables users to find the optimum Qioptiq machine vision lens and accessories for their tasks.
MachVis 4.0 launched November 23, 2014
MachVis 4.0 was displayed at Vision 2014 in Stuttgart and has just been launched [early december 2014]. This acclaimed free software enables users to find the optimum Qioptiq machine vision lens and accessories for their tasks.
MachVis 3.8 November 14, 2011
MachVis 3.8 was launched at Vision 2011 in Stuttgart. This acclaimed free software enables users to find the optimum Qioptiq machine vision lens and accessories for their tasks.
MachVis ToGo November 05, 2010
If you are going to the 2010 Machine Vision exhibition, then drop by the Qioptiq stand [Hall 4 Booth D79] and collect a USB stick with the very latest version of MachVis.
MachVis 3.5 - whats new October 30, 2009
Well - the press releases have gone out now, and a video clip uploaded, so we can now tell you about the version 3.5.1 of the MachVis machine vision lens calculator which was released at Vision 2009. The main new feature is access to solid or 3D models...
MachVis 3.5 is coming! September 18, 2009
The latest version, MachVis 3.5, is undergoing its final trials with LINOS Photonics staff and key distributors. It will be demonstrated at Vision 2009, Stuttgart and made available for free download at the normal webpage.
MachVis 3.0 released August 14, 2009
The Machine Vision lens calculator, MachVis v3.0. has finished its final testing by LINOS staff & key distributors and has been released for general use in mid August 2009.
Possibly the best lens calculator… July 02, 2009
We were really pleased to see this review of MachVis by Brian Grey earlier this week in the ‘Machine Vision 4 Users’ blog..
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Most recent:
- MachVis 5.3 Upcoming!
- ECO & moldable glasses: general update
- MachVis 5.0 launched
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v8
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v7
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v6
- MachVis 4.0 launched
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v5
- Updates to Android App
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] App for Android
- Twitter - LensDesignApps
- WinLens3D, PreDesigner & Optatec
- MachVis 3.8
- PreDesigner [new Gaussian beam mode] in German
- Gaussian Beams: extra tools
Most viewed:
- On bugs - [7918]
- Gaussian Beams and the Laser Show - [6866]
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] App for Android - [5110]
- William Herschel - telescopes in Bath & Space - [4657]
- ECO & moldable glasses: general update - [4188]
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v8 - [4051]
- MachVis 3.5 - whats new - [3825]
- WinLens3D and WinLens3D Basic - [3738]
- Updates to Android App - [3708]
- MachVis 3.0 released - [3677]
- Twitter - LensDesignApps - [3653]
- WinLens3D, PreDesigner & Optatec - [3592]
- MachVis 3.8 - [3488]
- Possibly the best lens calculator… - [3488]
- MachVis 3.5 is coming! - [3382]