MachVis 3.5 is coming! September 18, 2009
The latest version, MachVis 3.5, is undergoing its final trials with LINOS Photonics staff and key distributors. It will be demonstrated at Vision 2009, Stuttgart and made available for free download at the normal webpage.
On bugs September 15, 2009
With any complex software, especially that under active development, there will be bugs of various types. In this article we will briefly state:
- how we aim to deal with bugs
- look at the different kinds of bugs
- suggest the best way to let us know about a bug
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Most recent:
- MachVis 5.3 Upcoming!
- ECO & moldable glasses: general update
- MachVis 5.0 launched
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v8
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v7
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v6
- MachVis 4.0 launched
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v5
- Updates to Android App
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] App for Android
- Twitter - LensDesignApps
- WinLens3D, PreDesigner & Optatec
- MachVis 3.8
- PreDesigner [new Gaussian beam mode] in German
- Gaussian Beams: extra tools
Most viewed:
- On bugs - [7695]
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- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] App for Android - [4956]
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- ECO & moldable glasses: general update - [3957]
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v8 - [3876]
- MachVis 3.5 - whats new - [3699]
- WinLens3D and WinLens3D Basic - [3602]
- Updates to Android App - [3558]
- MachVis 3.0 released - [3533]
- Twitter - LensDesignApps - [3501]
- WinLens3D, PreDesigner & Optatec - [3425]
- Possibly the best lens calculator… - [3384]
- MachVis 3.8 - [3332]
- MachVis 3.5 is coming! - [3226]