Gaussian Beams: extra tools June 08, 2011
As expected, there was much interest in the new or enhanced Gaussian Beam tools in PreDesigner and WinLens3D at the Laser show in Munich last month. We have followed this up by releasing updates with new features in those programs.
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Most recent:
- MachVis 5.3 Upcoming!
- ECO & moldable glasses: general update
- MachVis 5.0 launched
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v8
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v7
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v6
- MachVis 4.0 launched
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v5
- Updates to Android App
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] App for Android
- Twitter - LensDesignApps
- WinLens3D, PreDesigner & Optatec
- MachVis 3.8
- PreDesigner [new Gaussian beam mode] in German
- Gaussian Beams: extra tools
Most viewed:
- On bugs - [7695]
- Gaussian Beams and the Laser Show - [6678]
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] App for Android - [4956]
- William Herschel - telescopes in Bath & Space - [4541]
- ECO & moldable glasses: general update - [3957]
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v8 - [3876]
- MachVis 3.5 - whats new - [3699]
- WinLens3D and WinLens3D Basic - [3602]
- Updates to Android App - [3558]
- MachVis 3.0 released - [3533]
- Twitter - LensDesignApps - [3501]
- WinLens3D, PreDesigner & Optatec - [3426]
- Possibly the best lens calculator… - [3384]
- MachVis 3.8 - [3332]
- MachVis 3.5 is coming! - [3226]