News & comments classified under “PreDesigner”

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WinLens3D, PreDesigner & Optatec April 23, 2012

[categories: WinLens3D WinLens3DBasic PreDesigner Qioptiq Gaussian Beam ]

As always, Qioptiq Photonics will be attending the Optatec show in May 2012.

We will be giving away Free CD’s with the latest versions of PreDesigner & WinLens3D Basic, and lots of other good stuff.  So do drop by and have a chat!

PreDesigner [new Gaussian beam mode] in German August 11, 2011

[categories: PreDesigner ]

This is a quick note to remind our German colleagues that PreDesigner v1.25 [with the exciting new Gaussian beam mode] is now available in a German language version.  This can be downloaded from the website

Gaussian Beams: extra tools June 08, 2011

[categories: WinLens3D WinLens3DBasic PreDesigner Gaussian Beam ]

As expected, there was much interest in the new or enhanced Gaussian Beam tools in PreDesigner and WinLens3D at the Laser show in Munich last month.  We have followed this up by releasing updates with new features in those programs.

Gaussian Beams and the Laser Show May 09, 2011

[categories: WinLens3D WinLens3DBasic PreDesigner Qioptiq Gaussian Beam ]

As always, Qioptiq Photonics will be attending the Munich Laser Show in May 2011.

We will be giving away CD’s with the latest version of

PreDesigner & WinLens3D, and lots of other good stuff.  So do drop by and have a chat!

Refreshed manuals September 07, 2010

[categories: WinLens3D WinLens3DBasic PreDesigner Tolerancer Glass Manager Qioptiq ]

As part of the general changeover in 2010 from LINOS Photonics to Qioptiq, we have taken this opportunity to refresh all the manuals.

General software update - sept 2010 September 02, 2010

[categories: WinLens3D WinLens3DBasic PreDesigner Tolerancer Glass Manager Qioptiq LINOS Photonics ]

This entry is to give you an overview of a general update to all programs in the WinLens suite, WinLens3DBasic and PreDesigner. These updates willl be available from 6th Sept 2010.